
Fake food jewelry

Pretend food, wax food, artificial food, faux food, replica food, imitation food, food replicas, false foods, food fakes, and simulated food... However you call them they all share the same history.

All fake food jewelry and decorations has the same starting point in Japan. Fake food was originally meant to give more visual info about restaurants' dishes than plain photos and text. Also the fake food dishes were placed so that customers could see them when passing by restaurants and would be easier to draw in to restaurants.
First time replicas were used in 1945 when Americans and Europeans traveled to Japan to help with the rebuilding efforts after World war II. Because the foreigners didn't understand Japan's language these replica foods were easy and helpful way to get idea what the dishes was having.
After that the replicas has been popular as an accessories in any forms eg. jewelry. Replicas has been most popular in lolita and decora fashions.

Chiringo also has sweet bakery jewelries in many forms eg. necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings.


Most of the jewelry is made from polymer clay. The clay has very flexibility form and gives the bakery sweet jewelries very realistic look.

 I, myself can't resist when I see food jewelry and it seems that I'm not the only one. Food jewelry has been very famous past couple years around world and I don't see a reason why it wouldn't last.
One f the reasons why food jewelry is very famous is it's versatility. Food jewelry can be used eg. with lolita styles like under:

Dress: http://www.chiringo.fi/en/clothes/108-paris.html

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